The Most Beautiful Word
Dear Friends,
“Surrender” is one of my least favorite words in the English language. But for the sake of full disclosure, let me follow that statement up by saying that the reason I dislike it so much is because it’s something I really struggle to do. Now, in some areas of life having difficulty surrendering is a good thing. For example, if we’re trying to eat healthy, it’s a good thing if we don’t surrender to our desire to eat a whole plate of chocolate chip cookies.
That’s just one example of when it can be good to not surrender. However, there’s one area of life where we need to make sure we’ve got this whole “surrender thing” down - and that is in our relationship with God. Jesus makes this clear in Matthew 16:25, when He says, “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it.” It doesn’t get much clearer: we need to fully surrender our lives to God.
This is a subject that’s been on my mind the past few days because I’ve found myself in several situations where I can’t control what’s going on, and I can’t control what the future holds. The result is that I’ve stressed and worried and fussed over those things. So this morning I was praying about it - asking God to get going and take care of these things - and it was almost like I could hear God say, “I would, if you would just surrender it all to me and get out of the way.”
I know I’m not alone in this struggle because “surrendering” is something we can all struggle with. It actually makes sense, especially when we consider that the definition of “surrender” is “to give up something to another person; to relinquish something given to you.” So “surrendering” can include our possessions, finances, time, relationships, goals, status, comfort - even our lives. No wonder we can struggle with it! But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t surrender.
And the best news is that God is the perfect One to surrender our lives to, because He’s the only one who can handle everything happening in our lives. Isaiah 41:10 puts it beautifully, where God tells us: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” God can and will take care of us, no matter what we’re facing in life.
So today, let’s commit to following Jesus’ command to surrender our lives to Him. Let’s consider the things we’re worried and anxious and stressed over - and let’s surrender them to God. Let’s look at the way we’re spending our time and money and resources - and surrender all of it to God. Let’s look at our relationships and goals and dreams - and surrender them to God. Today, let’s surrender all we are, and all we have to the One we can trust to handle it.